Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Preparing for The Boys

Time is truly flying quickly. Our showers have come and gone, and we had a fabulous time at both of them. We thank our parents and Kristol for making them a huge success. We are so blessed to be surrounded by so many supporting family and friends and thank you all for your prayers, support and gifts of love as we prepare for our little ones. This has been the first week without our first "Baby (the dog)," and it's been an adjustment period for Evelyn, but given us the time to continue preparing the nursery and ourselves for their arrival. The nursery is about 80% complete, our goal is to have it complete within the next two weeks. We'll be posting pictures soon. I think we have over 500 diapers, enough for a week or so. ;) And we also have most of the important items purchased and assembled. One more month of working for the both of us, and then it's time to give quality time to the new joys of our world. I know many people weren't able to make it to the showers, and have been wanting to see updated pictures of the belly which I hope to post this weekend. As time continues to go, we'll make sure to keep you posted with pictures of the belly, nursery and one day soon (hopefully not too soon).....the boys!