Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Halloween

Caleb in his mask. He actually scared Cameron!
The boys ready to head out to Boo at the Zoo.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Halloween season is here and we're ready to crave our pumpkins we picked at the pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch was more than just picking pumpkins, we saw reptiles including a big snake, farm animals and rode on a hay ride.

Our First County Fair

We ABSOLUTELY loved the county fair!!! We rode on the ferris wheel, merry go round and our first little kids rides. We had a blast!! Can't wait to go next year and make mommy and daddy get us unlimited riding bands.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Caleb & Mommy

Caleb and Mommy during Caleb's nightly photoshoot with my phone. ;)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Atlanta Zoo Visit

We visited the zoo a couple weeks ago and had an amazing time! The boys really enjoyed the train, petting zoo and playground. We're still working on getting them to enjoy the Merry Go Round. ;)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1 + 1 = 2

We turned 2 on June 12th and had a blast that weekend. We had a party at our school and went to see Nick Jr. Live at the Fox.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Enjoying More Visitors!

We loved the visit from our God Father and Mrs. Karisse, and we really showed them how tough real little boys play!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Miami MetroZoo

This is the bike everyone else had to pedal to get around to see all the animals at the Zoo.

Look at the pretty lion.

And we love the elephants.....

The Camels were just OK, we aren't as familiar with them.....

A Family Vacation in Florida Isn't Complete Without Our Cousins!!!

We had a blast with Our cousins Carter and Jacob!

Monday, May 3, 2010

We are Pros at taking our Treatments NOW

There used to be a point and time when we'd fight taking our treatments, NOW.....we don't have a problem at all, especially after a hard days play!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Potty Time

Cameron is so excited about going to the potty. His new room at school has began teaching them how to go to the potty. Cameron has definitely caught on quick. The other night within 2 minutes of sitting him on the potty before bed time, we heard him saying "Yay!" and applauding himself.....and sure enough he had gone potty. We were so proud!

Monday, April 26, 2010

We LOVE visitors!!

God Mommy Alex came to visit. We played and played and played......and then cried when she left! She said she'll be back before we are 3.......we'll hold her to it!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Cookies - YUM!

Our Nana sent us Easter cookies, and we loved them!

Mommy let us eat them on the way home from church, and boy a mess we made in the car.

Easter 2010

We LOVE our Daddy, so much that we dress just like him!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun in the Sun at the Park

Caleb swinging at the park, he enjoyed every minute of it, that is once he discovered how much fun he could have!

Cameron excited to be running and playing at the park. Boy is he fearless!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Where did it go??

Where did the time go??? The boys will be 2 years old in less than 3 months, and I can't help but to ask myself where did the time go?! The last three years have gone by faster than I feel my entire adult life has gone. I have seen these boys develop from being inside of me to who they are today, and it's amazing. I've always heard people say enjoy the time you have with them, it goes fast....but never did I imagine this fast. So, who are the boys today. I'll try my best to describe them both

Caleb is a very intuitive thinker. Caleb thinks about EVERYTHING. He's less likely to just jump off the bed before analyzing just how to do so and what might happen when he does. He is a calm mannered toddler, that is until you disrupt HIS plan, whether that means taking a toy, touching his food or even changing his routine. Caleb is not a big talker, but he talks when he wants to. He says BuBye, Choo Choo, Woo, Da Da Dora, Go and a couple more words. He loves to color, so much so each time the crayons are put up, he is very unhappy. Caleb is not a good eater, however you wouldn't know it by the looks of it. And just recently, Caleb has decided he loves to dance. He is definitely a unique toddler and a future engineer, who we can later say he never played with toys to play but more so to determine how they work.

Cameron is a happy toddler. When you see Cammy, he'll definitely be smiling or laughing. He loves to play with his toys, color and watch videos. But please do not interrupt him during his favorite ones, like Nemo, Dora or Dr. Seuss. Cameron NEVER stops moving, not even when he is sleeping. If I could only have 25% of his energy I would be great. Cameron on the other hand is a pretty big talker, compared to Caleb. Cameron says: mama, dada, hi, bubye, up, down, nite nite, Da Da Dora, Fall, Uh Oh, and MANY more. He's also a good eater, and by the looks of it you wouldn't be able to tell. He loves MEAT and well, crackers! Cameron reminds me everyday that I definitely have boys, he has learned to love to play fight with everyone including his brother. Cameron will definitely keep life exciting and not let us rest.

Both the boys love to sing and dance to Row Row, Row Your Boat and Ring around the roses.

I think about the people they have begun and I'm just in awww of how God blesses us with the ability to reproduce such amazing lives. I can never thank God enough for these two amazing little boys. I can't even imagine my life without them, well that is except until they are off to college, and yes I'm already thinking about that........but not rushing it, I'm enjoying the time, but boy is it flying!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

When the sun is out, we are prepared!

We LOVE new toys!!

And Caleb loves helping figure out how things work and putting them together. This toy is supposed to help us grow, we'll start bouncing and see how good it is!